The Chalcedony gemstone is a microcrystalline and fibrous variety of Quartz. In Antiquity people believed the stone could give the owner the ability to make good speeches. Therefore, the Chalcedony is referred to as the orators’ stone.
The word Chalcedony is a generic term for various fibrous Quartz stones. The color of the Chalcedony usually ranges from clear to a bluish gray. However, contaminants can also lead to other colors, mostly brown, green, or reddish.

Contaminants cause the gems to form in various tones and colors. For example, Chrysoprases contain nickel oxide, which makes them greenish. If a Chalcedony is emerald green, it contains iron oxide. Sarder or Carnelian are brown to red Chalcedony.
Other well-known varieties of Chalcedony gemstones include Agate, Chrysoprase, Heliotrope, Blood Jasper, and Onyx. The Chalcedony is cloudy to translucent and has a waxy luster. With a Mohs hardness of 6.5 to 7, the Chalcedony is almost as hard as Quartz.
Fact sheet
Chalcedony, Chalcedony, Quartzine, Jasponix, Massik, Zoesite, Milkstone, and California or Blue Moonstone.
Opaque-transparent, and colorless to a bluish gray.
Depending on the variety, Chalcedony can be: blue, pink, white, green, yellow, orange, brown, black or multicolored.
Hydroxides and oxides
Mostly cabochon cut (unfaceted, oval or round cut with a convex top and a flat bottom)
Mainly the color intensity and the transparency of the gemstone determine the value and price of Chalcedony. Depending on the variety, the price can vary from a few to hundreds of dollars per carat (ct.).
Agate, Blood Chalcedony, Blood Jasper (Heliotrope), chromium Chalcedony, Chrysoprase, copper Chalcedony, Onyx, Pietersite, Plasma, rainbow Chalcedony, and Sarder (Carnelian).
Depending on the tradition, Chalcedony governs Sagittarius, Gemini, Aquarius, and Scorpio. Among other things, it promotes purity of heart and enhances serenity.
Chalcedony’s various gemstones: Carnelian, Heliotrope, Agate, Onyx
Chalcedony varieties and species
Since there are many varieties of Chalcedony, this gemstone comes in all shapes and types imaginable. Some Chalcedonies, such as the Chrysoprase, have an intense color, while others are cloudy, or some almost transparent. On the 0ther hand, Agate is known for its striking grain. The more intense the color of blue Chalcedony, the more valuable it is. Read more about the best-known Chalcedony varieties:
Birthstone and star signs
Chalcedony is the primary birthstone of Sagittarius. It enhances inner peace and promotes trustworthiness. Depending on the tradition and type of Chalcedony, different zodiac signs are assigned to this gemstone.
- Primary stone for Sagittarius: for inner peace and trustworthiness
- Gemini: to increase spirituality and achieve balance
- Aquarius: balancing, calming and relaxing
- Scorpio: to stay strong in tough times
Properties and history
For thousands of years gemstones have been used for their healing properties. Blue Chalcedony has the property to achieve inner peace, refine oratory or language use, and increase attention. Furthermore, the gemstone has the ability to improve self-confidence and alleviate anxiety or inhibitions.
According to Hildegard von Bingen, the power of Chalcedony increases in the evening time. The stone should rest directly on the skin in order to experience its full effect. Besides protecting you from fury and promoting flexibility, the gem helps with sleep disorders such as nightmares. Moreover, it alleviates feelings of melancholy.
Healing effects at a glance:
Inner peace
Rhetoric (the art of speaking)
Anxiety and inhibitions
Sleep disorders such as nightmares