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Birthstones – a birthday gemstone is a very popular accessory and has been a common gift for some time! Already thousands of years ago, each month had a gemstone, and a specific zodiac sign.
Which jewel represents your month and which one is the right one for your birthday?
Birthstones by month
Jan – Feb – Mar – Apr – May – Jun – Jul – Aug – Sep – Oct – Nov – Dec
Birthstones by star sign
Aquarius – Pisces –Aries–Taurus –Gemini –Cancer –Leo –Virgo –Libra–Scorpio –Sagittarius –Capricorn
Birthstones by month – birthday gems
In the Middle Ages it was common to wear a different gemstone every month, with the belief that the gem is more effective when you wear it at the right time.
Back in the olden days, knowledge of minerals was not as accurate as it is today. Gemstone traditions varied from culture to culture, moreover, the Gregorian calendar used today was not yet created.
For these reasons, even today the opinions on the correct attribution of gem effects diverge.
However, many gem/mineral associations have tried to unify birthstone attributes. Today most manufacturers of birthstone jewelry go according to these collective suppositions.
History and origin
How did the idea of birthstones come about? Where did the tradition of gemstones for months come from?
Birthstones by month
The Garnet is a gem found in many colors. However, the most popular is the characteristic red Garnet. It is often associated with trust and friendship. The name comes from the Latin word “granatum”, meaning “seed” and also indicates its similarity to the pomegranate.
The Amethyst has a very long and interesting history. Thanks to its beautiful violet color, it has captivated people since antiquity. Even today, the Amethyst is highly sought after. The name derives from Greek and means something like “not drunk”. In the former times, the gem used to protect one from drunkenness.
The name Aquamarine is Latin and means “water of the sea”, which describes this beautiful stone really well. The turquoise green to ocean blue gemstone is a variety of Beryls.
The gemstone owes its beautiful color to the iron content – depending on the iron concentration, the blue nuances and tones may vary.
Children born in April are particularly fortunate because they are assigned the hardest material: the Diamond.
The word Diamond comes from the Latin diamond, which comes from the Greek adamas (ἀδάμας), meaning indomitable. The gem is invincible, because there is no other material that can damage it.
This light to dark green gemstone has been a favorite since Antiquity. A special feature of the mineral is its luminance, giving it luster and radiance, the Emerald is silky and fervid.
The Emerald cut, especially used on Emeralds, creates the same luminous effect.
Alexandrite and Pearl
Children born in June are lucky to have two precious stones to choose from.
Firstly, Alexandrite, a very unique and valuable stone that changes color depending on the light. In daylight it shimmers a turquoise-blue to emerald-green, while in artificial light it looks light cherry-red to violet. The Alexandrite Effect gets its name from this rare mineral variety.
Secondly, the Pearl is the only gemstone produced by a living creature, the shelled mollusk.
Ruby red – the term is no coincidence!
The Ruby is a dazzling gem that leaves a strong impression, making it a coveted jewel throughout Antiquity.
Even today it is one of the most popular and precious gemstones.
Peridot is a lime to grass-green gem that usually manifests in volcanic eruptions.
The gem was used for healing in Antiquity, and possessed the power to protect against nightmares.
Peridot, or Chrysolite, are the names given to low-inclusion and light green olivine stones.
The Sapphire is a highly sought after gemstone, usually with an intense, royal blue to bright, sky blue color.
The colors may also vary depending on the cut and light effect.
The name Sapphire is probably originally derived from Sanskrit. Some linguists say it means “worshiped by Saturn”.
The Opal is an impressive and unique stone, whose name is from Greek, meaning change. This is truly a fitting name for this stone.
The Opal shows an extraordinary play of colors called opalizing. Because of its beautiful play of colors, it is not surprising that the Opal was highly valued in Antiquity.
Topaz represents the month of November, though in some traditions this month’s gem is Citrine.
While the distinguishing feature of Citrine is its yellow color, Topaz comes in a range of colors. However, the most sought-after version of Topaz is the blue Topaz.
Topaz’s especially rare character is that it shines different colors depending on the angle you view it at. This phenomenon is called pleochroism.
Turquoise & Tanzanite
The month of December has Turquoise or Tanzanite as representatives. These blue stones remind us of the sea and the sky. Turquoise made up of water and so symbolizes the turquoise-blue sea even more. The color, turquoise, is named after this gem.
Tanzanite can also be found in violet, not only in blue. It is a variety of the Zoisite mineral.
Birthstones by Zodiac and Star-sign
Buy a personal birthstone for any birth date (Star-sign/Zodiac)
Here you will find personal and unique birthstones for each zodiac sign. Note that the following jewelry may deviate from the above > Mapping . Items may be synthetic gemstones. We present the following birthstones for aesthetic purposes, for example as a birthday present. Possible effects and properties are not intended.

Aries – 21.03. – 20.04 – Diamond

Taurus – 21.04. – 20.05 – Emerald

Gemini – 05/21 – 06/21 – Pearl

Cancer – 22.06. – 22.07 – Ruby

Leo – 23.07. – 23.08 – Peridot

Virgo – 24.08. – 23.09 – Sapphire

Libra – 24.09. – 23.10 – Opal

Scorpio – 24.10. – 22.11 – Topaz

Sagittarius – 23.11. – 21.12 – Turquoise

Capricorn – 22.12. – 20.01 – Garnet

Aquarius – 21.01. – 19.02 – Amethyst
Pisces – 20.02. – 20.03 – Aquamarine
Sorted by elements
Click on the item to learn more.
- Fire: Leo, Sagittarius, Aries
- Air: Libra, Aquarius, Gemini
- Water: Pisces, Scorpio, Cancer
- Earth: Taurus, Capricorn, Virgo
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